Extraction of nucleic acids from plants is a time consuming and labor intensive process. Two common methods of
these methods are prone to contamination, as the same tools are often reused sequentially for multiple
preparations. This risk of contamination is often unacceptable, especially in studies using rare or valuable
specimens, such as when breeding selection is critical (particularly with the advent of genetically
engineered crops), or when inlectual property discovery or protection is involved. Here we compare
extraction of RNA from corn sprouts, grape seeds, and grape skin.
从植物中提取核酸是一件非常耗时耗力的工作。目前常见的提取方法有人工研磨和机械破碎两种方法。因为研磨工具和破碎刀头经常反复使用,所以这两种 方法非常容易造成污染。在对非常或者非常有价值的样品进行研究时,污染常常不能被接受。本文介绍了利用压力循环技术(PCT)和传统研磨技术两种不同 的方法从玉米芽、葡萄种子和葡萄皮中提取RNA,并对这两种方法进行了比较。